Stress-less Business Puzzle
You may have heard me say this before, this is the rest of the story.
Rather you’re just starting your business or you’ve been in business for 3, 5+ years, you must have systems in place to keep your sanity. You should have a franchise model or prototype for your business. Not that you want to franchise, expand or even sell your business some day. You must have a franchise prototype, otherwise you simply own a low paying job that keeps you broke and frustrated. Well, at least frustrated.
Let me ask you, when is the last time you took a full on vacation with the family completely unplugged from your business? If that’s not an option for you right now. Let’s make it an option in the next 12 – 18 months.
Hey, at least you can have the option.
The 7 specific areas you need to consider in your franchise prototype process:
- Primary Aim
- Strategic Objectives
- Organizational Strategy
- Management Strategy
- People Strategy
- Marketing Strategy
- Systems Strategy
These 7 areas will fine-tune your plan for the ultimate level of success and fulfillment in business. In this lesson we are going to cover the first three.
Primary Aim
It’s essential in business development to set goals and see a vision for the future. This needs to go beyond the business and you need to think about what you want out of life.
What do you dream about?
How do you see your success unfolding? Knowing and understanding these things will give you the momentum to get started and the stamina to see it through.
Take a minute to write your vision story down.
Be very detailed and specific, and put emotion into the process. Now make
copies and tape your vision story your desk and bathroom mirror, make it your
computer desktop and phone screen for a constant reminder of what you’re aiming
By the way, one of the first eClasses in my eLearning System covers
exactly how to design your Vision Story.
Strategic Objectives
Strategic Objectives are essential in taking your business from surviving to thriving. All of these objectives should offer solutions for how to get to your primary aim. There are many things you can use to set strategic objectives, but here are a couple of the most popular:
- Money: Setting monetary goals is a great, simple way to see how you are doing at any point in the game. It’s easy to measure and easy to find adjustments to help meet this goal.
- Worthy Opportunities: When considering partnerships and other business opportunities you need to think about whether or not they will help you reach your primary aim. Those that will, are the best opportunities to seriously consider. If the opportunity will not help you reach your primary aim, you must decline.
The key in setting standards and goals is not to limit you or stress yourself out. You need to find some quantifiable systems you can use to measure your progress toward your primary aim.
These are just two suggestions, but make sure, no matter what standards you set, you are paying attention to the details, as these are two of the biggest keys to your success.
Organizational Strategy
The strength of your organizational structure can make or break your business, so it’s important to take the time to put together a solid structure for your business to grow from.
Generally a company is organized around the roles and responsibilities that need to be taken care of on a daily basis and the personalities that need to fulfill those roles.
No matter what roles and responsibilities you’ve defined for your employees, you must always keep your personal primary aim separate from your company’s primary aim or mission statement. Once you’ve identified the primary aim, vision story, for your company it will be easy to set up a position structure that will work.
Don’t forget to put together position contracts. Your employees should sign a statement of their roles and responsibilities. This helps keep them clear for you, the employee and other employees/vendors or other individuals. This one task is overlooked by almost every single company I have ever personally worked for, and those I’ve worked with. And it’s a game changer.
You can see how these areas all work together to build a solid structure on which to build your business. If you need help defining any of these areas, you can check out the resources, tools and speak with one of our fantastic coaches during your FREE test drive.
What do you feel is your TOP Business related issue?
I will personally work with you for a few weeks to fix that.